Counsellors find TWM powerful and want to learn more

Last week I did a continuing professional development (CPD) workshop for a group of therapists – counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists -at The Therapy Rooms in Wakefield – the clinic where I work from time to time, owned by the lovely Sue Crossland. As usual, I had very little structure for the workshop in my head – I know that how it goes will depend on the interests and healing needed in the room on the night.

After an introduction and a teaching meditation I asked the group what they were feeling – what was here in the room. Therapists are people and like all people they are carrying their own share of emotional pain and we had grief, shame, lack of confidence and anger come up in amongst the rest.

It was a really lovely open supportive and trusting group so it felt fine to demonstrate some TWM techniques with individuals. What followed was an emotional and very real hour or so where people addressed the root cause of their pain and found by the end they had simply let it go, it just wasn’t there anymore!

They all found the session interesting and were keen to learn more about TWM. The feedback included:

I found it really powerful, lots of food for thought; I want to find out more; powerful shifts in a short space of time; everyone was so open and sharing – more please; and really interesting techniques, I want to find out more.

So! Naturally I am offering more. I am running a short course in Wakefield in November – it commences on 13th. You can read more about it here and please join us if you can. You don’t have to be a therapist, just be keen to learn…..

And as usual I forgot to take a photo of us! so this is some of the TWM team on retreat. I will try harder next time.
