Wellbeing at Work

TWM teaches employees tools to recover their focus and energy when stress, change, relationships or challenges in their professional or personal life are impacting on their health, wellbeing and ability to engage effectively at work.


Build an increasingly confident, cohesive and committed team

The Walters Method will help you foster:


  • An engaged team that works well together.
  • A culture where everyone feel confident, valued and able to contribute in their own unique way
  • A support system to help employees through issues and challenges, whether at, or outside of, work.


We teach tools to recover focus and energy when stress, change, relationship or life challenges are impacting on the ability of team members to engage fully at work.

Lots of therapies and coaching programmes help people feel supported, able to explore their problems and unpick what needs to change. The Walters Method (TWM) is unique in also giving clients the incentive and the tools to effect that change: in a single session they will focus on an issue, be taught innovative exercises that give them insight into what needs to happen and, importantly, how they will feel once it has happened. This gives them the conviction and courage to act, they can then use the exercise whenever they need it to keep them on track.

Results for the individual are often transformative. People feel empowered and clearer on their own values and purpose and that they have the means to support themselves to keep on track even at challenging times. This has a knock-on effect on the team. People will feel more valued, supported and aligned with the ethos of the company and hence more committed. They will be less encumbered by unresolved issues and so will have more to give. 

We offer 

  • a workshop for your team to teach simple exercises for reducing stress and finding healthier ways of dealing with challenges – both inside and outside of work.
  • bespoke, confidential individual sessions for your team members that they can access directly when they need them. 
  • Further sessions, where needed, can be self-funded by the team member or, where this would be seen to be a good investment, provided by the company.

Contact us to discuss the package that would work best for your team.


Have you been too busy to review your direction and purpose?

Are you feeling pressured by too many pulls on your time and focus?

Are you struggling to feel heard or to build respectful relationships?

Do issues outside of work affect your emotional wellbeing?

Are your sleep, your relationships or your health suffering?


We can help with any or all of these. Often you will leave your first session feeling lighter, with a healthier perspective and clarity on how to make positive changes.

You will take away an exercise you can use when you need it to help you keep on track. 

TWM are offering a confidential hour-long session for each member of your team, should you want one. You can use it to talk things through with a skilled practitioner and then learn exercises that will help you to immediately feel better and give you some clarity on how to look after your emotional wellbeing.

This can be done online at a time to suit you. 

The Walters Method is a body-based psychotherapeutic technique which means that you don’t have to talk about painful issues unless you want to, but get to rapidly feel better, usually within a single hour-long session. In the session you can also learn an exercise that you can use for yourself at times of need to get peace of mind and put you back on track.

There will be the option of further sessions, we can discuss this at the end of your hour.


‘I am honestly blown away. Things feel much better, I don’t feel the same stress. I am much calmer.

You have helped me see things in a different light’

‘I actually wonder whether I am a different person!’

 ‘Easy to remember the techniques afterward to use in other situations.’ 


Book your confidential session here


“As an employment advisor I see a lot of people who suffer ill health as a result of the stress and anxiety casued by employment difficulties. TWM have worked with a number of my clients to help them address these problems and I have witnessed first hand some really astonshing results in a very short space of time. They are great to have on hand as a business associate.” Anna.

Supporting Mental Health First Aiders

We support mental health first aiders by offering confidential one to one sessions for employees that need more help. 

We offer workshops sharing powerful stress-reduction tools with groups of up to 10 employees.

We provide companies with bespoke packages of support – usually comprised of workshops for groups of employees and individual confidential sessions.  Please contact us to explore how we can help your company .

We are trained, regulated, insured and experienced at working with trauma and PTSD, self-harming and suicidal thoughts, relationship issues, low confidence, anxiety, anger, depression and anything between.

We can work flexibly online or face to face.

Our approach is practical and gives people the tools to use for themselves so they tend to continue to improve after the sessions. 

We can deliver support on an as-needed basis or be by your side as a bespoke Employee Assistance  Service. 
