Relationship & Divorce Coaching


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Relationship Coach Training

Course overview

The training is for TWM practitioners wanting to work with couples, ex-partners, children, family, friends and work colleagues.

Help your client to gain clarity on their relationship and teach them tools to change it for the better. 

The Course

Help your client to gain clarity on their relationship. This might mean recognising the part they have played in creating it and being clear how they can work to change it.

The TWM foundation course gives a good grounding in skills needed to be a relationship coach.

There are a further 2 days offered to graduates that build on skills to support your clients to and give them practical tools to navigating every stage of their relationship:

You will learn to facilitate your client to:

Details of upcoming training will be posted in the blog:

The Accreditation Process For Divorce Coaches

Course overview

This is a follow on course for those who have completed TWM Training and Relationship Coach Training.

During the accreditation process you will accrue the skills you need to support people before, during and after divorce and separation. You will also be competent and adequately qualified, regulated and insured to work alongside family lawyers in supporting their clients.


The training is a one day workshop for those who have completed the TWM training and the relationship coach training.

In the divorce coach training we cover the relationship coach training and in addition look at the law regarding divorce, the different routes to divorce and working with family lawyers.

You will be asked to reflect on the following:

Details of upcoming training will be posted in the blog:

Enquire about a course

Please contact us using the form, or alternatively you can get in touch using the details below.
