Evidence-based Relationship Coach Training.

Relationship coach training

In this online relationship coach training course I share what I have learned through personal experience, my training in evidence-based research and my extensive training in professional development

Day 1: 3.4.20 Book Now


A deep personal journey

It was only after a massive wake-up call prompted by the ending of my second marriage 12 years ago that I began to explore the impact that my patterns of behaviour, the trauma from my childhood and how my strong inner critic was having on my relationships.

I put myself on a crash course of personal development, studying with several of the world’s leading teachers. I began to free myself from past baggage. I developed a spiritual practice that was deepened beyond measure  through extended silent retreats with Gangaji, time spent in Ramana’s ashram in India,  and the Journey practitioner training with Brandon Bays and Kevin Billet.

I am still on my own journey, training with masters and commiting to continuing personal professional development (CPD). I now offer public meditations and satsang on the subject of living from the heart.

Applying my experience in my work

2009 was the year I began to apply my learning to my work both in the NHS, with people suffering from chronic pain and IBS, and in private practice, supporting people recovering from abusive, coercive or just down-right unhappy relationships.

Most of our unconscious behaviours, mental and physical health issues, and abilities to develop healthy relationships, stem from when we are young. The approach I share with my clients and students, The Focussed Mindfulness Method, gets straight to those early memories and loosens the control they have over us, so we are free to be our loving, insightful, healthy selves.

Evidence based & still evolving

A grounding in academic research means that I have a discerning approach to my work. I am constantly refining and developing. I use outcome measures to gauge effectiveness and now have a body of evidence to show the method works for trauma sufferers, people with high anxiety, depression and destructive behaviours. It also works for people with chronic physical health conditions. I have written several articles on relationship coaching and I am currently writing a paper on the effectiveness of FMM in healing trauma.

The Focussed Mindfulness Method has been taught since 2010. Many gifted practitioners now use the method in their work as integrative coaches, counsellors, complementary therapists and mindfulness guides. I am so delighted that the healing ripples of this work continue to spread.

The Relationship Coach Course

This year I am sharing my experiences,  gained through working as a relationship coach for 9 years and teaching the tools of my trade. On the course I will demonstrate how the Focussed Mindfulness Method can effectively transform people’s relationships with themselves, and others, using an experiential style of teaching. 

You will be provided you with an understanding of the Mindfulness Method which you can then apply to your  own issues. You will also practice the method through various exercises,  in small groups of peers until you intrinisically ‘get’ how it works for you. The course is structured to enable you to gain trust in the results it provides. On the course, students will also explore and use other relationship coaching tools to enhance their learning, leading to even better outcomes.

During the first year of this course, or before if you are ready, you will be fully supported into practice under supervision. This will build confidence and experience until you are ready to fly solo.

Workshop taster session

The course is an investment and it will change your life for good. To help you to decide if this is the right development opportunity for you at this time,  I am offering the first workshop for £20. In this session you will get a feel for my teaching style, your fellow learners and find out what the course entails. You will make some great connections and gain some valuable coaching skills while deciding whether to take the plunge.

Details for the course are available here.

Course testimonials

Lucy, a Counsellor said:

’I attended the introductory workshop for The Focused Mindfulness Method and found it to be an awe-inspiring experience. The workshop is experiential (optional). Clare makes you feel at ease and being able to experience the process and hear such powerful stories of how this wonderful technique has helped free so many people had me hooked. I can’t wait to expand my skills and implement the method into my own practice, I found it to be extremely powerful and emotional even though I only ‘dipped my toe’ into the process. I cannot wait to be fully emerged into my focused mindfulness journey! Thanks, Clare for sharing this wonderful technique.” 

Hazel, a Homeopath and Focussed Mindfulness guide said: 

As a Focussed Mindfulness practitioner, these processes have massively enhanced my practise. It’s so important in my line of work to be my authentic self with my clients and to ensure my own fitness to practise. I now have an even deeper connection and empathy with my clients and sense of their needs and can offer the techniques when needed in their own healing journey … they are indeed a true gift.” 

Sue, a past student said:

“I am immensely privileged to be training with such a skilled teacher.” 

Book On the First Workshop

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