Would you prefer to resolve troubling issues without having to talk about them? The Walters MethodTM works directly with feelings in the body and so accesses your hurt, sadness, fear, shame, shock, trauma, overwhelm or other emotions without you having to tell the story and re-live the pain. This makes FMMTM an excellent approach for healing emotional pain either from your past or even still here in the present safely and gently.
Listening to your body
Emotional pain is felt in the body, you may notice this when feeling sadness as heartache or anxiety in the pit of your stomach. In a TWM session you will explore your body and uncover feelings (there may be subtle sensations in the body that you had not noticed before). Your guide will then employ a meditation, visualisation or another healing technique to transform them. You will immediately feel freer and lighter and less affected by your pain.
Healing Emotional Pain
Your guide will then share a technique with you so you can use it whenever you need it. Regular practice will free your body more and more and you will find that you are calmer, happier and more able to cope with day to day life.
This means that in a one-hour TWM session you can deal with and heal some emotional pain – even trauma – without having talked about it and by the end you will feel a new sense of freedom, lightness and calm in your body.
Soothing Anxiety
Tilly (not her real name) suffered from anxiety most of the time, this affected her sleep, her health and her ability to form close relationships with her college friends. In her first session with me I asked her to notice how her body felt when she was in an anxious situation and she noticed that, aside from her racing mind, she felt a tightness in her throat and chest. We used a guided visualisation to explore and describe the area and at one point she recognised that it went back to some difficult memories from her childhood. We did not dwell on these, but instead soothed the body part until it felt more comfortable. Remarkably, when we had finished she felt calm ‘as if a load has been lifted from me’ and this calmness persisted until we met again.
In the second and third sessions we were able to do more healing and reconciliation of her traumatic memories using guided imagery and mindfulness exercises. She was encouraged to use these at home, particularly when her anxiety was strong and by the fourth session it was clear that she had undergone a big change. She said her mind was quieter and she no longer worried about how others saw her.
A Technique to Suit You
TWM uses a number of different techniques which allows the guide to choose the one that will work best for you on the day. Over time, you will accrue a toolkit that you can use for yourelf. This means that it does not take many sessions before a lasting shift is achieved and emotional pain that has been carried for years is permanently released.
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