What motivates you and makes you happy?
Get clear on your values and purpose for 2020
Just before Xmas Helen Honisett: author, speaker and transformative leader sent me a copy of her new book – Defy Expectations: Learning to Lead with Love, Integrity and Trust.
It resonated.
One of the many great questions she asks gave me just what I needed to launch myself into 2020 with enthusiasm, clarity and purpose. It was this: ‘what is your ‘why’?’
What is your why?
Now you may, like me, have been asked this a few times over the years, but as with all good coaching questions it is worth revisiting from time to time.
What is my ‘why’?
What really motivates me do what I do and leaves me feeling rewarded for my efforts or able to get up again after a knock-back?
The question is many layered, and it required courage and commitment to go deeply into searching for the fundamental answer, but when I got there I felt it in my guts, I knew it to be a deep truth.
My ‘why’ is to support people to live from their hearts. It is fundamental to my work, relationships and my involvement with my community.
When I am guided by my ‘why’ it points to training and study that will support me, it clarifies business decisions and helps me to be my best in all my relationships: work, family and community.
When I reflected on this over Christmas I realised that much of my life had been one long search to find my ‘why’. I didn’t start getting there until my late 40s, but once I began to listen to my heart rather than trying to meet expectations of others, or trying to please, or keep safe, I felt solid. And once I realised how purposeful, happy and gentle it made me when I was living my ‘why’ I wanted to share what I had learned with others.
It lead me to develop the practice of Focussed Mindfulness, create a training company, write a book and an online course and create a social enterprise. It is still helping me to see how I, given my own unique ‘CV’ can best serve.
Be your best
This feels like a critical time in humanity’s history both for ourselves and the planet. I believe we are needed. We are called to wake up, step up and give what we have to offer to play our part in creating a better world.
For decades now we have been asked to be ourselves, be the best we can be and be free. But it has been a confusing request if we don’t know how to find what that means.
It seems to me that there are now more and more teachers and guides emerging who are able to give you practical help, and support you to learn how to listen to your own heart. My invitation to you is that you find a personal development coach, mentor or mindfulness practitioner who can help you in your quest.