Clare Walters 5.1.19

This is your most important activity this year.

It would be great to get in the habit of making an entry after every ‘learning opportunity’. This may be a workshop, teaching clinic or supervision session, something you read or heard, meditation session or something outside of the course where you were aware of some insight or an emotional response in yourself or someone else.

It is the place to track your learning journey through the year. You can file the feedback you are given here too and add your responses to it. It is for sharing in confidence with your trainers and supervisor only so feel free to share what you are happy for them to read and it will be received with great respect.

It can be very brief, depending on your writing style. This is not your conscious writing but maybe something that comes out of it.

Here is a guide to focus your thoughts, you do not need to write to all these, they are just to get the reflective juices flowing. (and there may be many more questions which are useful to you).

Briefly outline the incident – who was involved and what triggered it.

What was your emotional response (pleasant or unpleasant)? Name it and locate it in the body.

How did you react and what drove this reaction – you may be aware of an unconscious programme that was triggered.

What did you learn from this?

Can you use this for further learning or some freeing work and how will you achieve this?

How does this incident evidence your growing awareness and spiritual development?

If you are a lengthy writer please put some summarising bullet points at the end of the piece for later reference and to help focus any feedback.
