Jane Bytheway

Sometimes challenges in your personal or professional life can escalate until they feel overwhelming and you just don’t know how to move forward. You lose confidence in yourself and your ability to make decisions. You feel stuck, unsure what to do next and your inner critic chatters away with a loud and relentless voice that makes you feel even worse.

Whether you are facing into a particularly difficult event, or trying to handle several different issues at the same time, it can really get you down and hold you back from living the life you want to live.

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way. With 18 years’ experience in coaching individuals and teams, I have witnessed many people improving their personal and professional lives as they come to understand themselves and how to manage their emotional responses. The techniques within focused mindfulness also enable you to release your deepest and most painful emotional responses so that you emerge with a greater sense of freedom and the resilience to handle whatever life throws in your path.

As a result of this approach, people find they increase their personal resourcefulness and the ability to create productive and effective relationships with others.

Specialist areas of focus:

Communication and building effective relationships | Personal wellbeing, confidence and resilience | Developing leaders and managers | Increasing team effectiveness | Increasing personal impact and effectiveness

Qualifications and Professional Development:

In addition to the formal qualifications below, I regularly attend professional development conferences and seminars to support my continued professional development (CPD).

  • Graduate – Advanced Coach Training Programme: CoachU
  • TWM Practitioner
  • Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner
  • DiSC Trainer (profiling to understand communication style preferences)
  • Certified Personal and Corporate Image Consultant: Colour Me Beautiful
  • B. A. Italian & Management Studies: University of Leeds

Further courses attended to enhance my personal development:

  • Tony Robbins Mastery University: Date With Destiny (2014); Life and Wealth Mastery (2016)
  • Unleash the Power Within – Tony Robbins (2012)
  • Two-day Foundation course in Non-violent Communication (2011)
  • One-day Masterclass with Nancy Kline: Time to Think (2008)
  • Core Coaching Competencies Programme: Corporate Potential Coaching Systems (2008)
  • Two-day Foundation course in The Choice at Work: Arbinger Institute (2006)

I have a private consulting room in Leeds (Roundhay) with free on-street parking. Please contact me on 07977 732 186 or email connect@janebytheway.com to make an appointment or for further information.
